+32 2 343 30 81 info@isi-be.eu

MonitEM – Continuous EMF monitoring

A permanent monitoring system that allows on-going scrutiny of the emission levels of any source of electromagnetic radiation (mobile telephone antennas, WiFi, high-voltage power lines, etc.) and verification that they meet the safety standards established by the competent authorities and regulations in each country.

The measurements taken can be published via the Internet to the different stakeholder communities.

Product Datasheet

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The Wavecontrol MonitEM electromagnetic monitoring system makes it possible to continuously check the field strength of the emissions from electromagnetic radiation emitters such as antennas and power lines, and to transfer the data obtained over the internet in regular automatic reports to a central location.

The system consists of a number of monitoring devices located near the electromagnetic field sources (usually antennas) or in places of special interest, such as schools or hospitals. The monitoring devices are then remotely controlled by computer from a control centre. The monitoring devices sample the electromagnetic field continuously, store the measurements temporarily and transmit them at regular intervals to the control centre.

The electromagnetic field is measured using a triaxial isotropic probe to allow measurement of the full composite field arriving from all directions. The control system has been designed for direct integration with the internet, allowing an authorised user to check the stations from any location where an internet connection is available.

The data collected can be published so that any interested party can observe. The product can monitor between 10 Hz and 8 GHz (depending on the installed probe) and, because of the solar charging option, can be located in areas where mains power is unavailable.